Friday, August 21, 2009

Too much tech?

When Levi was on his way to teach devo's for the Harvest Team last Sunday morning, he let me drive. This is an upgrade. On Daniel's video shoots, I get to cater. Anyway, as we were screaming down the 5 freeway in OC, Levi was watching Jon Courson fill in for him at Fresh Life in Montana, live on his Mac Laptop, studying for the teaching on his Kindle and periodically barking out texts to all points north. What frightened me was the deranged look on his face when he observed, 'And these aren't even all my toys!'
I'm glad he wasn't driving.
All I had was a lousy Iphone, don't be concerned that I took this pic at about 75 mph, So Cal drivers do all this and more.


Levi Lusko said...

So funny. I confess, I was mad w/ power. The internetz made me drunk with connectivity.

Levi Lusko said...

So funny. I confess, I was mad w/ power. The internetz made me drunk with connectivity.