A week ago, I woke up in Philadelphia, on the tail end of a week vacation. Of the 50 largest cities in the USA, this is one I had never been to. Boston, Austin and San Antonio are the only other signifcant cities that remain. I mean really, do I need to see Tulsa, Pittsburgh & Jacksonville? Eventually, I will see Boston for the history and Austin for the biking. (Lance lives here) I will go to San Antonio just because of the Alamo. We cannot forget the Alamo.
Anyway, Philly was a pleasant surprise. We stayed right downtown by the major historical sites, so I took an early morning hike around the highlights. Loved it.
People in Philly were friendly and outrageously out of shape.
Cheesesteaks have taken their toll.
Washington Park. 2,000 + Rev war casualties are buried here, right in downtown Philadelphia.
Man, you can FEEL the history here.
Independence Hall. You know this story, but very cool.
Random photo on the iphone this week. Which is faster, Skip's Harley or My Little Pony?
Neither, they are sitting still at P.F. Changs.
Heidi Summer on the backside of a cross country race Saturday in Elena Gallegos. 2.8 miles in the foothills. See the endorphins in her eyes?
Jesse Jeremiah, best man in a wedding Saturday. He & Bekah are just about 100 days away.
Larissa and Jaxon at the petting zoo of the State Fair. Note that the sheeps coat and Larissa's hair are nearly identical. Jaxon is amused by this.
The week is wrapping up with a reenactment of a chapter of Skip's life for Shattered. Here's Daniel in director mode.
Rebecca and a 'young Skip' getting ready for his close up.
Man, you can FEEL the history here.
Neither, they are sitting still at P.F. Changs.
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