Jesus said that the Holy Spirit moves like the wind, unpredictable, but powerful. I have observed that when you get in a flow of the Spirit, it's like being on a windsurfer, something strong and invisible sweeps you along. If you cooperate, it is a sweet ride. I think a lot of times in the church we try to replicate this event, or pretend we don't need it. Thus, lots of dry,
difficult projects scrape by, joyless and powerless. But, when He moves, get in the flow or get out of the way. In my narrow 30+ year experience of walking with the Lord, I've done both.
In California & ABQ, I found a serious Spirit slipstream and flowed with it nicely. At other times, I have tried to duplicate an environment that the Holy Spirit, should have moved in. That is zero fun.
All that to say, at Fresh Life in Montana, Levi and the Lost Boys are riding the wave. It seems so natural, but it is powerful. Numbers aren't everything, but fruit is, and people are getting saved and baptized. From 5 people to 1500 in 18 months is some pretty fine fruit.
And such a Motley Crew to do it. That's another sign the Lord is in it!

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