Not much rest, but we did wrap Riptide- so 18 months of shooting is at an end.
Eighteen months, four countries, fifty-five interviews. This should look good.
Conference Speakers -
The NRB, (National Religious Broadcasters Convention) at one time was a big dog. a major force, in the heady days when the Christian right was rising.
In the Reagan era, I recall going to D.C. and ‘feeling the power.’ This was in the growth curve of the Christian mega church/media vibe and the President always came and addressed a session. High times. Not so much in the Obama era. NRB has been exiled to the surreal Gaylord Hotel in Nashville, America’s largest and easiest hotel to be lost in, casino or not.
A ten year deal for NRB in Nashville, so what was wrong with So Cal? Over the years I have gone to NRB locations in Anaheim, LA, Dallas and D.C., and now this. I wouldn’t have made the trek this year save for a call from Focus on the Family honoring KNKT as Radio as Station of the Year. Awards are, for the most part, not my deal. But as a matter of fact, Focus is the one media group I really admire for their pro attitude and excellent quality. So to be chosen out of all the stations they deal with was a genuine honor.
Paramount to the trip is a chance to hang out with a wide variety of friends. Truth be told, I did not even register for the Convention proper, as I have no desire to wander the floor. And any event tickets were easily available from friends. So, along with dinner with Focus President Jim Daly (great guy), I was able to catch up with KWAVE GM Rich Macintosh, the Gospel for Asia team, Doug Martin and Clive Welsh from Belize as well as many others for Calvary ABQ stuff. It is trippy to walk around and see various icons of Christian broadcasting. Or as a friend put it, ‘It’s like being in a wax museum!”
There’s David Jeremiah, or Erwin Lutzer or some TV preacher I won’t name.
Strange place indeed.
My only regret was missing the Tuesday night dinner with Charles Colson. We were invited to sit at the head table, and dinner with Mr. Colson was tempting, but I had to pass. Back to ABQ and reality.