First- below are the highlights of 2010 projects, not people.
Time and space does not allow me to rave about Becca, Alivia etc.
I do lots of that already!
So, after 20 years, I left day to day staff at Calvary in 2010, Jesse and Larissa went on staff full time. Who knew?
My wife has shown herself to be a talented teacher and special events coordinator. She put together a Summer Boot Camp for Women at Calvary that rocked. I helped with this spot:
Nice job honey!
We need a serious vacation. Yes, we've travelled a lot, but I always weasel in some work, speaking or something. I am leaving the lap top and Iphone behind this time. Wow, I get nervous even writing that.
Top 10 projects for 2010- in flow of mind order, not importance!
1. Finishing Shattered
Now, working on national and international distribution and TV rights.
Featured a dramatic reenactment of Skip & Gino in Mexico. Shot in San Francisco, Sedona and Columbine in Colorado. Highlight was a touching interview with Brian Rohrbough, father of a slain teen.
2. Radio Specials
Wrote and produced some in 2010, three come to mind:
Just As He Is
A Tribute to Billy Graham,
hosted by Skip, dozens of high profile interviews, asked Fernando Ortega to write and record a special song, he did, very touching.
Crystal Lewis Christmas Special
Featured Greg Laurie, Lenya & Levi
Epicenter Conference 2010 Radio Special
Went to Philadelphia for a weekend to produce this one. Featured Joel Rosenberg, Greg & General Boykin.
Next one in Jerusalem again, in May

3. Riptide
The story of Calvary & Pastor Chuck.
Two years, three continents, 40 interviews
Glad to get this story told. Honored.
4. Christmas '10 - Denver!
Full circle, back to Colorado from whence I came, to help put together an 80,000 watt station for Calvary Aurora.
Interesting time of year to build a station, but we got it on the air at midnight, 12/23.
Blasting great teaching: Word & Worship
Check it: http://897gracefm.com

5. Produced Collision Course Prophecy Special. We always need to keep the 'seasons' of prophecy in mind:
6. Calvary Celebration for the Riptide Preview.
Anaheim Convention Center in So Cal.
Jon Courson, Pastor Chuck, Raul, Mike, Skip. With music by Crystal & Band, The Phil Wickham Band & Richie Furay. Let's just say, it was an amazing evening.
Bonus: Larissa, Jaxon, Levi & Alivia at the Magic Kingdom the day after!
7. Life FM - Viva Miami - www.909lifefm.com
This fall I took a more active role in a strong station that comes out of the Keys and roars through South Florida and Miami.
I had consulted with Pedro Garcia as he negotiated the station, but now I have a day to day management role.
Consulting radio in Montana, Miami & Denver means a lot of travel, but the destinations are nice. I am not returning phone calls to midwest markets at this time! MIA & DIA are one thing, but I can't get up for flying to O'hare.
8. The Persecuted
Daniel has written a screenplay and is way down the road to production & distribution. He has attached an Oscar winning producer. It's been a fun ride with him. Learning lots too.
Variety Article:
9. Skull Church
Spurgeon would love what Levi is doing in Montana. Edgy, fresh but solid. I stand in awe.
10. New Video Campuses for Calvary
We were able to start several video campuses for Calvary.
Downtown ABQ came first, then Santa Fe
Worked with Jesse on the Metro ABQ campus.
Jesse also assumed co-leadership of the Vertical student ministry at Calvary
It's a treat to see him teach & lead.
Honorable Mentions:
- Accepting Station of the Year Award from Focus on the Family for KNKT. Normally, I wouldn't walk across the street for a Christian Broadcast Award. Sorry, most Christian media is so mediocre. Exception, Focus on the Family, so their recognition got my attention.
- Israel 2010. Overloaded. Overworked. All night in the business center juggling CCABQ stuff and a daytime video crew on the ground in Israel. Special bonus: bus captain every day on the tour. Nonetheless, Israel is amazing even in super stress mode. But never again like that.
- Easter 2010 --Blew up Comcast, bought every avail on Easter Sunday for a Stephen Baldwin/Skip commercial, I love, love, love blasting the gospel on secular stations.

- Teaching at Calvary- several times. After all these years, it is always a privilege for Skip to ask me. I first spoke at Calvary of Albuquerque in the mid 80's. It was a thriving church meeting in a small building, but you could tell it was dynamic. Now, 25 years later, I've taught probably a hundred messages at CCABQ, and the people are still hungry for God's Word. Great body of believers.
Here's a link to a timeless New Year's Eve message.
Finishing out 2010 on 12/26 for three services was a treat. That closes the year. When our Dreams Die, God's Dreams for us can come to life.
2010? Decent. I can do better. Ready to charge forward.
Thank you Jesus