Playing musical pulpits, Skip went to So Cal to fill in for Greg Laurie at Harvest ( I planned to go, but no..... Levi came down from Montana to fill in for Skip,
so, no contest I stayed in ABQ. Even though Skip was debuting the Jesus Boat Documentary that Daniel and I just locked this week. Jesse and Josh drove up from Bible College to help at the resource table, so it was a real family affair. Meanwhile, back in Abq, after Levi blew it up preaching at 4 services, I was prepping for a night on stage with Jim Caviezel. To prepare, I watched the Passion of the Christ everywhich way but loose. With commentary by Mel Gibson, with footnotes and then special features. Painful and powerful, but I had to get ready for 90 minutes of the ultimate in special features, as Jim commented on highlights of the film that I chose. 3,000 people showed up, and it was an extraordinary night. Jim wandered a bit,
(" I am a Roman Catholic") and " I am still the Count of Monte Christo!" Interesting.
But I am a highly skilled professional, (ha!) and I reeled him in as needed. Generally, he was right on.
Loved the challenge. It was a highlight.
Monday, I blew out for Nashville, to the mixed blessing of the National Religous Broadcasters Convention. Highlights: Erwin Lutzer, Cliff Barrows & Charles Stanley. Lowlights: The name of the convention says it all. more later on the NRB.
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