Cool tech. At our hotel in Chicago, the mirror had a TV built into it. Excellent. Not very practical, but I got to get me one of these.
A weekend trip to Michigan included my high school reunion in Marlette where I (theoretically) grew up.
Let's just say it was a rural community. I lived on a 40 acre ranch with 20 horses. And my family.
I left for college after high school and never went back because my parents eventually moved to
California. Marlette hasn't changed much. It had one stoplight then, and has exploded to 2 now.
Going to a reunion is both strange and wonderful. It was very cool to see some close friends from sports and college, because some went to Central with me as well. But wow, seriously, I had not seen some folks since the first week of June in 1969, and it was stunning to put names with faces.
Quite a challenge, but all in all, it was worth the trip. I was able to show Larissa the farmhouse I lived in while our home was being built. Very nostalgic, does make me miss my parents.
Also stopped by the MHS track & football field for some 'Glory Days' flashbacks as Bruce Springsteen would say.
We stayed in East Lansing where I did some grad work and had my first real radio job. (not counting college radio and a summer job for $2.27 an hour on air in Grayling)
WVIC was real radio, I went there with my roommate Jim Johnson who ended up as a morning show fixture on W4, WRIF and other stations in Detroit.
Then it was back to reality. Business, meetings, shuffling papers. But it was 40 years ago this week that Armstrong set foot on the moon. I remember that night very well. 1969 was a year that changed everything. Woodstock, etc. Out of high school, into college in Mt. Pleasant and, then it all began.
I love that u r blogging this. I never knew some of these things. Trippy to think of this moment 40 years from now, but awesome to see all that the Lord has done. I am sooo thankful for that day in Lahaina where u met Jesus! How different life would have turned out.....I would certainly not be in Montana or here at All!
a tv inside a mirror?!? that's just amazing, not as amazing....since we're talking about being thankful, i'm also very thankful for you and what God has done in you, and how He's used you in such a VITAL way in Levi's life. He's a great husband, dad, friend, pastor, and man of God as a direct result of your example in his life. SO thank you Chip!
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