I've been working with Skip for over 25 years and we've had a lot of fun. You can tell a little bit by this pic in Santa Fe yesterday at the theatre we looked at for a potential video campus on a bike ride. The Lord has let us do some amazing things around the world and in New Mexico, where a huge church has grown out of a home Bible study. (We are both proof positive that God uses the foolish things of the world.)
That is ancient history.
We are going full bore into the future, gospel guns blazing. Hopefully, many years of spiritual adventures lie ahead. I was struck last night by my son Jesse opening the midweek service, and finding Nate Heitzig in his dad's office readying his study. Nate did a nice job in the pulpit.
Of course I had the mandatory flashback of Nate in a bike trailer at about 3 years of age, as his dad pulled him around Breckenridge when we lived in Colorado. But back to this planet......
This isn't the first time a different Heitzig-Lusko duo was on the loose. Skip mentored Levi and
hired him as his youth pastor.
Then there was Daniel and Nate as roommates. You do not want to know. Just think of a much smarter and more devious version of Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels in Dumb and Dumber.
Good times, great oldies as the classic rock stations say.
A changing of the guard? Not yet, but I am looking over my shoulder. And I like what I see.