The Lusko Tribe: Levi, Daniel, Heidi, Becca & Jesse
Periodically, for my sake and for those new to this blog, I rundown the geographic locations of the Lusko children:
l-r: Levi- married in Montana with two terrifc granddaughters. Pastor of Fresh Life church www.freshlifechurch.com
Daniel- film director in New Mexico www.luskoproductions.com.
Married year this year to Leanne
Heidi- 15- in the Carolina's now, off to Belize mission in July
runs track at Hope Christian
Becca- manages a Mac make-up store married, Jaxon, & one on the way
Jesse- in So cal leading a surf camp trip, on staff as asst youth pastor at chuch where I have worked for 18 years www.calvaryabq.org
not pictured: Josh-because he is engaged and we haven't seen him since. Going back to Bible college in So Cal with Bride in August! Working this summer at our church skate park and radio stations.