Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Meeting Day

Tuesday's are meeting day at Calvary of Albuquerque. Admin, pastor's and assorted appointments.
We worked on buying a large TV buy for our Homeland Security series (www.homeland08.org)
Decided on two Good Friday Services (12 & 3 PM) because last year traffic was backed up to El Paso, Texas. We plan to get a major 'Passion' level worship leader for this.
Reviewed our upcoming conference in Jerusalem (www.epicenter08.com)
Scheduled travel to video a documentary in the Galilee for Skip to host about a 1st century boat (www.jesusboat.com)
Worked with the president of Promise Keepers to put our a PK edition of the DVD Epicenter (epicenter.com) along with a
Matthew 24 teaching by Skip
Reviewed Skip's newest book, Upon this Rock to be self-published by Connection Communications
Met with Mark, co- producer of a Ben Stein movie about evolution bias at U.S. universities (www.expelled.com)

but most importantly, before work I went to Starbucks with my son J-Dog, who is teaching tonight at Skate Ministry about the sacrificed life. We looked over a short story by Anton Chekov , The Bet.
Tonight, I am meeting with Daniel Lusko to look over his Morocco footage and . also to talk over his upcoming video trips to D.C., Israel and Jordan.

Slow day. But it is early, (only 3 PM) in any case....I'll get busy tomorrow.


Levi Lusko said...

yeah, wow, sounds like a real walk in the park.

Becca Clay said...

Woah,woah,woah! Look at you go! Blogging away like a pro!